Best Wishes Banglore Gau Bhatas

SHUBHKAMNAE Sabhi Banglore ke Gau Bhakto ko !


Shubhkamnae Banglore – 2nd Pulse Diagnosis Camp

The Go-sevaMata is highly privileged to invite all Gau Bhaktas to yet another camp on “Nadi Parikshna” and “Panchgavya Chiktsa” at Bangalore to be conducted for three days from 26th to 29th November’2015.

Go-Seva has taken this pursuit of organizing this camp again in Bangalore on popular demand by the local Gau- Bhaktas who gave us an extremely overwhelming response in the last camp organized just three months before. This is a blessing of Gau- Mata Herself personified to bless her devotees from the evil effect of Kali.

We extend our heartfelt congratulations to all those who had booked themselves in advance with us; for this great opportunity to serve the cows and save your own health all natural & Ayurvedic way. We pray to Guru Gauranga and Gau to keep blessing us in future too to be able to serve you better in future as well.

Jai Gau Mata! Jai Gopal!!


Best Wishes to all Gaubhakta – Banglore Nadi Parikshan Camp from Goseva



Serve Cows To Save Yourself !

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