Archive for July, 2015


Let us give a thought to this- Remembering and offering our obeisances and a little food to our own Gau-mata only on the festivals like Diwali, Holi etc or taking out Gau- Gras during ‘Pitr Paksh’ enough to maintain and protect cow?     The cow is not just a milch cattle who is to be exploited and degraded for selfish human greeds but it’s a holy companion of the Lord Krishna. Since ages Indian have used Dairy product for cultural, religious and nutritional supplements and Go-Panchgavya has been used as miraculous healing agent to cure ulcers and many other fatal diseases. Unfortunately we Indian today ourselves have forgotten her glories and merely aping the west, neglecting our prime duty of cow protection. In a treatise called ‘Gokarunanidhi’, (Ocean of mercy to the cow), published by Dayananda Saraswathi in 1881 the author strongly opposed cow slaughter as an anti-Hindu act. […]

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In this series let’s look at the olden ways of getting rid of exfoliating the skin with natural and holistic soaps. Let’s go back in Krishna’s era; when supreme personality of Godhead Lord Shri Krishna Himself appeared on earth. In Bhagwat puran it is clearly mentioned that baby Krishna was given a bath with cow’s urine and dung after he killed the demon Putana who fed the baby Krishna with her poisonous milk. This shows that in ancient times people considered cows to be so sacred that even their urine and dung was considered to be pure. Modern research has already proven that Cow dung has many antibacterial and other therapeutic properties which when used on skin can not only help it to keep health but also increase the glow of the skin. The soaps made of cow dung also contain natural herbs such as Neem, Camphor etc that makes […]

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The invaluable dung ash If I claim that cow dung ash is so precious that it can save us from international debt slavery; would you believe me? But the fact is it may not be possible to assign any price in monetary terms to the ash which is left over after cooking on the dung cakes. Allow me to enumerate various uses of cow dung ash that has been part and parcel of Indian culture. Preservation of food grains In olden days, the kings used to preserve jowar for their subjects for use during drought year. For preserving jowar to last for years, ash of equal weight was mixed with jowar, and it then could be stored in this way for 12 years without any damage. Even in normal; course people could store food grains for 2 to 3 years in their storage tanks made of clay in each household, […]

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The last description gave details of how modern toothpaste are dangerously harmful not only; to our teeth but to the general health as well. Let’s take a look at the ancient methods of maintain dental health and its benefits in today’s era too if followed sincerely. In olden days people used DAATUN (TWIGS OF NEEM, BABUL, KARONJI TREES) to brush teeth. Yes, to brush the teeth, if that surprises you a bit. The teeth of this generation people remained healthy, cavity free and perfect even at a ripe of 70 years. These people could eat sugarcane without having difficulty while peeling it with their teeth. DAATUN was an excellent toothbrush which could be disposed off after each use and what more; being natural; it was biodegradable and thus safe for environment unlike the modern toothpaste which contains non biodegradable chemicals that pollutes the environment. Tooth paste requires the use of […]

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Panchagavya Camp Successfully Completed – an another step towards Cow Protection Movement

Completed Panchagavya Academy Batch#1 [Camp 1] The first camp of first batch of PanchGavya Academy was successfully completed on july 7th , 2015 at 7.00 PM (@Hingolgadh – Jasdan) . The academy is overjoyed to entertain students from various states and background. The over whelming response in such a huge number was least expected. The camp was conducted in the direct vigilance of King of Jasdan Shri SatyajitKumar S. Khachar, who attended the classes with the students and guided them and helped them to understand the basics of Go Raksha, Go-shala maintain ace and self reliant features of go-shala with his wide vision and experience. This venture was conceived with the sole aim of cow protection and conservation in Saurashtra region. The Academy is proud to announce that it was attended by many enthusiastic Go-Palaks( Cow herders) business men, farmers, PhD Doctors, scholars and medical practitioners and experts. The subject matter of […]

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Desi Indian Cows’ Gau-Mutra and Gomaya (Cow dung) Are more valuable than Cow’s milk

Desi Indian Cows’ Gau-Mutra and Gomaya (Cow dung) is more valuable than Cow’s milk Vaishnavism gives the status of mother to Cow. Lord Shree Krishna loved the cows so much that he decided to reside in the heart of cow. When this happened all other thirty three crores of demigods decided simultaneously to reside in the divine body of the cow. Seeing Lord Vishnu residing in the body of the cow, Goddess Laxmi prayed to Cow to let her reside in her body. Gau mata replies that she hasn’t got a place left where Mother Laxmi could reside. But if you wish you can live in my dung; this is the reason that at the time of worship of Goddess Laxmi, the place is smeared with cow dung to purify. When Ganges saw that even Lord Shiva has also gone to reside in the cow’s body, she too begged her to […]

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