Archive for November, 2014

Celebrating Fifth Year of GoMata Seva

Go-raksha (cow protection) is done properly if one takes it as a religious duty rather than a career opportunity. In the former mindset; the vedic period, one attempted to serve cows rather than be served by them; one aspired for spiritual gain rather than material gain. Unfortunately the cow protection is rendered unsustainable today due to urbanization and consumerism. Modern man has lost his roots. However cow protection hasn’t lost importance but because urban man has become so successfully indoctrinated and acclimated to artificial living and consumerism he no longer understands or values the fruits of it. This is the very reason of the success of Gomata seva which has entered into its fifth year of celebrated launch. In 5 years Journey Activities started  Panchagavya Cow Medicines (Manufacturing as GO KRIPA PRODUCTS )  Club togather Go Shalas in Jasdan and Near Jasdan through entire GIR Area  spread Vedic Life style […]

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Indigenous Cows Demand Rises – Article on EconomicTimes – News Paper By Sri KHACHAR Saheb

Recently  (11 Nov, 2014) an article published in The EconoicTimes related to climate change and demand of Desi (Indigenous Cow and Cattle) in Domestic and Global. After a special interview with our true guide honorable Sri Satyajitkumar Khachar Saheb (Darbar Sri – Jasdan State). “Indian breed cows are in demand in Brazil and Argentina due to their sturdy qualities and high milk yield,” Khachar said. He added that it was “very economical” to export Gir and Kankrej breeds of cows, both from Gujarat, and Ongole cattle, which are known to be resistant to mad cow disease.  Here is over view of this important article.   NEW DELHI: Climate change is spurring something positive for India: growing overseas demand for indigenous cattle, which the government is keen to support. Markets from Australia to Brazil are seeking India’s cattle for their resilient qualities such as tick resistance, heat tolerance and the ability […]

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