Archive for November, 2013

What Is Pure Ghee – Why Pure Desi Gir Cow Ghee Become Costlier

Pure Gir Cow Ghee and Costing FADS Who doesn’t know the benefit of pure ghee of gir cow of indigenous breed? This ghee besides being an essential ingredient of vegetarian diet is also a vitamin, and fat supplier. The modern research has proven facts that Clarified butter obtained from indigenous breeds of cow’s milk is more than healthy. If prepared by Vedic process the gir cow ghee becomes spiritually energized with positive energy, thus establishing total physical, mental and spiritual harmony. VEDIC PROCEDURE OF PREPARING GHEE However the procedure involved in preparation of Vedic ghee is quite tedious and consumes time as well as manual labour. First of all the milk is curdled into thick yogurt. This Curd is then hand churned in clay pots using wooden churner while reciting of Vedic mantra such as Hare Krishna Mantra. Then the butter so obtained is heated in iron vessel to get […]

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Panchagavya Based Medicines and Its Benefits

औषधि का  नाम  (१ )गौमूत्र अर्क  :   पाचन तंत्र की के विकार ओ को शांत करता है लीवर, किडनी, पथरी ,हृदय रोग , केंसर आदि मैं लाभकारी और कोलेस्ट्रोल कम करता है   यह शरीर का    वजन कम करता है और कई सारी  बिमरिओं मैं  लाभ प्रद  है    (२) घनवटी : आयुर्वेद में कहा गया है की इस पुथ्वी पर मानव जाती के लिये गोमाता के पुर्वप्रसाद रूप में गोमूत्र विद्या मान हुवा है।   यह गोमूत्र वटी से मधुमेह (डायबिटीस) उदररोग,श्वास ,पाईल्स ,अपेंडिक्स और मानसिक बीमारी यो में लाभप्रदायक है यह दिव्य  और आश्चर्यजनक  बहुरोग हारी महौषधि है । (३) पचनामृत(हर्डे चूरण) : यह गोमूत्र से शोधित हर्डे चूरण एसिडिटी, गैस,अपच,पित ,कब्ज ,पेट दर्द मै अत्यतं लाभकारी है।    (४) अंग मर्दनम तैलम:  जोड़ो के  दर्द  मै  अत्यंत लाभकारी।  मालिस के लिए उपयुक्त (आखों  से दूर रखें)    (५) दंतमंजन  (टूथ  पावडर) : पायोरिया ,मुख दुर्गंध , मुखरोग ,मसुडो  मै  खून आना, […]

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Milk Proteins and Human Health: Difference Cow Type A1/A2 milk

Benefits from Milk of Gir Cows Cow’s milk has long been used as a source of high quality proteins around the globe especially in India, whose culture, economy and religious aspects are closely related to rearing and maintaining the cows in each household. Comparative study of Milk of Indigenous and Exotic breed Recently a close relation has been worked out by global scientists between the consumption of cow-milk proteins and risk of suffering from certain incurable human diseases. This particular study reveals that beta casein the major milk protein has two variant forms, type A1 and type A2. Whereas Type A1 casein is predominant in foreign breeds of cows such as Holistien, Jersy and other European breeds, the Type A1 Casein is predominant feature of Indigenous cow breed such as Gir breed. Scientists over the world are convinced that The Indigenous breeds are genuine while the exotic breeds have certain […]

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Desi Cow’s milk can cure stomach cancer

Cow’s milk can cure stomach cancer   Milk is good news for the fans. Research scientists have claimed that a fresh cow milk contains a peptide which is capable of killing a human colon cancer cell. The research conducted in Taiwan, scientists discovered cow’s milk peptide named Lacktofarrysin Fragment B 25 (LF Sin B 25) is. Search showed that this peptide in the human body has the ability to fight colon cancer. Department of Animal Science and Biotechnology, National Ilan University, Taiwan Wi – Jung – Chen said that in the future, the search can be used in the treatment of gastric cancer. World, especially in Asian countries, most deaths from cancer mortality rate of gastric cancer deaths. Researchers from Lektoferisin B examined the impact of three Fragment. These three were the Anti-microbial properties of the peptide. LF Sin on only one of these gastric B-25 only Hunmn   Source […]

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Becoming Self Reliant Through Cow Protection

Indian culture and economy has long revolved around Cow protection. The Agricultural, Fuel, Food & Nutrition, Transportation along with medical needs are all taken care of by cow rearing and breeding in every household. Lets take a look on the benefits of Cow Serving. SPIRITUAL Benefits The Supreme Personality of Godhead Lord Krishna advises go-rakshya, which means cow protection in His instructions of Bhagavad Gitä Cows are dear to Lord Krishna. That is why Krishna is also called Gopal that is savior of the cows. * It releases from past sinful reaction. * Protection from both moral and spiritual degradation. * Without protection of cows, brahminical culture cannot be maintained, and without brahmanical culture, the aim of life cannot be fulfilled. *The cow products (panchgavya) are used to perform yagna sacrifices, the prescribed duties of humans described in Vedas.   HUMANITY Benefits * Cow protection brings happiness and perfection in […]

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