Posts Tagged ‘panchgavya’

Vaat Prakruti

Vata Prakruti Sky is inactive and Air is active. That’s why to understand the Vaat easily we need to understand five attributes of Air. Followings are five attributes of Air:- Motion Dryness Cold Infiltration Change   > Motion:- Air is moveable and Vaat is also Moveable. Any motion (Gati) in human body is because of Vaat. E.g. Breathing, Heart Beats, Movement of Hands and Legs, Speaking, Food Movement etc. But as you know uncontrolled air becomes windstorm same way uncontrolled air in body give birth of lots of diseases.  Motion related all diseased happened due to imbalanced Vaat. Like Joints Pain, Paralysis, Asthama, Parkinson etc… So you know why elders are saying that it’s very dangerous to sleep under very fast fan, ride two wheeler  without helmet and so on.   > Dryness:- Air is dry that’s why clothes to be dried in open air. Vaat mainly located in big […]

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Best Wishes Banglore Gau Bhatas

SHUBHKAMNAE Sabhi Banglore ke Gau Bhakto ko ! The Go-sevaMata is highly privileged to invite all Gau Bhaktas to yet another camp on “Nadi Parikshna” and “Panchgavya Chiktsa” at Bangalore to be conducted for three days from 26th to 29th November’2015. Go-Seva has taken this pursuit of organizing this camp again in Bangalore on popular demand by the local Gau- Bhaktas who gave us an extremely overwhelming response in the last camp organized just three months before. This is a blessing of Gau- Mata Herself personified to bless her devotees from the evil effect of Kali. We extend our heartfelt congratulations to all those who had booked themselves in advance with us; for this great opportunity to serve the cows and save your own health all natural & Ayurvedic way. We pray to Guru Gauranga and Gau to keep blessing us in future too to be able to serve you […]

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Nadi Vigyan Camp at Bangluru

समदोषः समाग्निश्च समधातु मलःक्रियाः। प्रसन्नात्मेन्द्रियमनः स्वस्थइतिअभिधीयते॥ — (सुश्रुत संहिता सूत्रस्थान १५/१०)   An individual who is in a state of equilibrium of body’s; Dosha (humours), Jathra Agni (digestive fire),Dhatu (tissues) and Mal Kriya (Physiological functions of excretions etc.) and whose Aatma (soul), Indriya (senses) and Mana (Mind); all are happy, is considered as a Healthy individual. Ayurveda emphasizes the balance of body, mind and soul to achieve anatomical, physiological, mental and spiritual well being. One of the parameters of diagnosing of disease in Ayurveda relied on Nadi Parikshan. This ancient Vedic art could diagnose all kinds of ailments from Diabetes to cancer and many. In other words an expert Ayurvedic Practitioner could foretell the internal condition of the body by simply examining the pulse of an individual. It surpasses the use of costly modern day diagnostic techniques which may even produce harmful effects like radiation exposure etc. However in the […]

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PANCHGAVYA FOR SPIRITUAL SCIENCE The Supreme Personality of Godhead Lord Krishna advises go-rakshya, which means cow protection in His instructions of Bhagavad gitä Cows are dear to Lord Krishna. That is why Krishna is also called Gopal that is savior of the cows. One of the ideal methods to protect the cows is to inculcate the usage of Panchgavya in our lives. Cow protection brings happiness and perfection in life. Cow slaughter is the only reason of wide spread terrorism. Cow protection and Panchgavya usage is the perfect way to give some relief to this world by following the path of serving humanity shown by God. Because of innumerable benefits of cow products i.e. the milk, curds, ghee and even the urine and dung which has medical, agricultural and industrial application the whole humanity is benefited. Usage of Cow Panch-gavya products is the simpler and Practical approach to serve the […]

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If we happen to evaluate the value of cow dung; we will realize that this dung alone can relieve us from international debt slavery. You are wondering how? Well lets us ponder on these key points: Manures from cow urine & dung, makes the soil fertile, for yielding more nutrient fruits & Vegetables for healthy life & aids in overcoming the negatives of Chemical fertilizers.   Dung can be used in energy productions such as BIOGAS AND ELECTRICITY, which surpasses the harmful effects of production of energy through conventional sources like burning of fossil fuels and nuclear fuel.   The cow dung in the best alternative to artificial fertilizer that has so many harmful effects on the environment & therefore is helpful in pursuing organic farming.   Cow (urine & dung) provide the right solutions for most of the diseases that are considered incurable.   Cow dung & urine has […]

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What Makes The Panchgavya Important for Medical Science?

Panchgavya is concocted by mixing Cow’s milk, Curd, Ghee, Urine and Dung together. Every ingredient of Panchgavya has immense medicinal value. Of these ingredients Cow’s milk is of foremost valuable as it makes complete balanced and nutritious diet. It is considered to have nectarine qualities. It is sweet, cold, destroyers of vatta, pitta, and blood imperfections in constitutions. Even the curd prepared from cow’s milk is full of vital potentiality.       The butter milk made from this curd is easy to digest and destroys the bilious reaction. Cow’s ghee (the clarified butter) is especially significant as it is beneficial for eyes and increases the vital force by imparting physical strength. Go-mutra is known for its efficiency in curing liver disorder. The chemical analysis of go-mutra reveals that it jas potassium, magnesium, calcium, urea, ammonia, chloride, creatinine, water and phosphate along with other constituents. Gau-mutra destroys kappha, pain in […]

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Panchagavya Camp Successfully Completed – an another step towards Cow Protection Movement

Completed Panchagavya Academy Batch#1 [Camp 1] The first camp of first batch of PanchGavya Academy was successfully completed on july 7th , 2015 at 7.00 PM (@Hingolgadh – Jasdan) . The academy is overjoyed to entertain students from various states and background. The over whelming response in such a huge number was least expected. The camp was conducted in the direct vigilance of King of Jasdan Shri SatyajitKumar S. Khachar, who attended the classes with the students and guided them and helped them to understand the basics of Go Raksha, Go-shala maintain ace and self reliant features of go-shala with his wide vision and experience. This venture was conceived with the sole aim of cow protection and conservation in Saurashtra region. The Academy is proud to announce that it was attended by many enthusiastic Go-Palaks( Cow herders) business men, farmers, PhD Doctors, scholars and medical practitioners and experts. The subject matter of […]

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ગુજરાતી માં ગાય ઉત્પાદન વિગતો

Cow_Products_Gujarati (click link to view details in PDF format) Cow Products from Pure Gir Cow (Panchgya) Details In Gujarati     ઔષધી નું નામ ફાયદા/ ગુણધર્મ ગો મુત્ર અર્ક } Gau Mutra Ark (Distilled Cow Urine) :  પાચનતંત્ર સબંધી વિકારોને શાંત કરે સે , લીવેર , કીડની, પાથરી, હદયરોગ , કેન્સર વગેરે રોગોમાં લાભકારી અને કોલેસ્ટ્રોલ ઘટાડે છે અને શરીરનું વજન ઓંછું થા છે , બધી જ બીમારીઓ માં લાભકારી છે . ઘનવટી } Ghanvati:  આયુર્વેદમાં કહ્યું છે કે આ પૃથ્વી ઉપર માનવ જાતી માટે ગોમતાનું પૂર્વ પ્રસાદ છે ડાયાબીટીસ , ઉદાર રોગ , શ્વાસ , પઈલાસ, અપેન્ડીક્ષ અને માનસિક રોગોમાં લાભદાયક આ દિવ્ય અને આશ્વર્યજનક મહુરોગાહારી ઔષધી છે. પચાન્મ્રિત } Pachanamrit:  એસીડીટી , ગેસ, અપચો , પિત, કબજિયાત, પેટના દુખવામાં લાભકારી. અંગમાંર્દન્મ તૈલ્મ } Angmardanam Tailam (Pain Reliever Oil) :  સં|ધના દુખાવામાં અત્યંત લાભકારક માલીશ માટે ઉપયોગી (આંખોથી દુર રાખવું) દનાત્મંજન } Dantmanjanam પાયોરિયા , મુખ દુર્ગંધ , મુખારોગ […]

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Description Of Cows Milk In Mahabharat

Description Of Cow’s Milk In Mahabharat And Other Ancient Texts Description of Panchgavya and cow protection is widely described in Mahabharata. This shows that the knowledge of medical and agricultural usage of cow product was revealed to the people of that age too. According to Ayurveda milk of white cows are beneficial in liver ailments, milk of brown cow has huge effect on all types of Vaat Rogas whereas the milk of black cow can be used to treat respiratory diseases and lung ailments. A black cow whose udders are also black produces milk of infinite medicinal qualities and therefore can be utilized for treating vast spectrum of physical and mental disorders. According to Atharva Veda (1/22/1) the Panchgavya produced by red cow is a miraculous remedy for treating heart and liver diseases. The ancient Indian texts also describes that the spinal cord of Desi cows posses SURYAKETU NADI which […]

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Panchgavya-Description Based On Scriptures And Modern Research

| (Panchagavya Meaning) | (Panchagavya Preparation) | Panchagavya is considered to be a highly effective liquid organic manure. It has multiple functions and can effectively replace chemical fertilizers and pesticides.   Preparation (Method to prepare Cow PanchGavya)   Panchagavya can be prepared as follows:- In a wide mouthed mud vessel, put five litres of cowdung slurry, three litres of cow’s urine, two litres of cow’s milk, two litres if curd prepared from cow’s milk and one litre of cow’s ghee. Mix these ingredients thoroughly and the mouth of the vessel must be covered with a clean cloth for ensuring aeration for the fermenting unit. The vessel with contents must be placed in a shady place. The ingredients must be mixed thoroughly with hand every day in the morning and evening for 10 – 15 days. It can be stored and used for the next 30 days. Before spraying on plants, […]

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