Posts Tagged ‘medicated ghee’

Gruth- Types and medicinal impacts on human aliments

Ghee and its efficacy in treating various incurable diseases While using Desi cows Ghee (Ghruta) for medicinal purposes in Ayurvedic principles it is instructed that only old ghee that has been stored for about six months has to be used. Such a clarified butter is quite beneficial in diseases like depression, anxiety, eyes and ear disorders as well as on uterus in women. Laboratory experiments have proven that such a ghee can effectively treat wounds caused by ulcers and wounds of diabetic person. The gavya produced by Indian cows are pure and medicinal products. They impart strength to heart and brain and improve memory as well as intelligence. The increase the life span, detoxify the blood of toxic chemicals and balances the three doshas namely vaat, pitta,kapha. They have the capability to cure any disease and remove the three doshas. Curing Mental disorders with Ghruta (effect of Ghee/ clarified butter on mental illness) […]

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