Posts Tagged ‘importance of cow milk’

Milk Proteins and Human Health: Difference Cow Type A1/A2 milk

Benefits from Milk of Gir Cows Cow’s milk has long been used as a source of high quality proteins around the globe especially in India, whose culture, economy and religious aspects are closely related to rearing and maintaining the cows in each household. Comparative study of Milk of Indigenous and Exotic breed Recently a close relation has been worked out by global scientists between the consumption of cow-milk proteins and risk of suffering from certain incurable human diseases. This particular study reveals that beta casein the major milk protein has two variant forms, type A1 and type A2. Whereas Type A1 casein is predominant in foreign breeds of cows such as Holistien, Jersy and other European breeds, the Type A1 Casein is predominant feature of Indigenous cow breed such as Gir breed. Scientists over the world are convinced that The Indigenous breeds are genuine while the exotic breeds have certain […]

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Science cow’s milk fat

* विज्ञान गाय का दूध * * 1. ** ** गाय के दूध में वसा वैज्ञानिक दुनिया में अब Gocron में कि हरा चारा साबित हो गया है गाय के दूध की स्वपोषी वनस्पति सभी रोगों के लिए काम करता है. आयुर्वेद सच्चाई यही है. एक स्वच्छ वातावरण में भारतीय शास्त्रों में Pmpra Gupaln में, पीने के पानी और साफ स्वच्छ हरे गाय पाने के लिए पोषण के बारे में विस्तृत सलाह browsed. पश्चिमी देशों में, साधारण लौकिक बुद्धि के अनुसार सभी के दूध में पाया वसा की मात्रा वांछनीय माना जाता था. वैश्विक डेयरी उद्योग के ज्ञान से प्रेरित होकर विलायक के लिए नीतियों का संपादन. विशेषज्ञों का यह भी भारत में दूध की डेयरी पर सलाह वसा के अनुपात के आधार पर मूल्य व्यापार के लिए मन में लाभ रखने के लिए . गाय का दूध अमृत था जब लेकिन भारतीय परंपरा में, गाय का दूध अमृत है […]

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Description Of Cows Milk In Mahabharat

Description Of Cow’s Milk In Mahabharat And Other Ancient Texts Description of Panchgavya and cow protection is widely described in Mahabharata. This shows that the knowledge of medical and agricultural usage of cow product was revealed to the people of that age too. According to Ayurveda milk of white cows are beneficial in liver ailments, milk of brown cow has huge effect on all types of Vaat Rogas whereas the milk of black cow can be used to treat respiratory diseases and lung ailments. A black cow whose udders are also black produces milk of infinite medicinal qualities and therefore can be utilized for treating vast spectrum of physical and mental disorders. According to Atharva Veda (1/22/1) the Panchgavya produced by red cow is a miraculous remedy for treating heart and liver diseases. The ancient Indian texts also describes that the spinal cord of Desi cows posses SURYAKETU NADI which […]

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Immunologic Consequences Of Feeding Infants With Cow’s Milk

Mmunologic Consequences Of Feeding Infants With Cow’s Milk Various products and regimens have been proposed extensively over the world for feeding infants when the mother’s milk is not available. These products have been evaluated intensively for capacity to achieve optimal nutrition. So far the immunologic consequences of feeding the foreign proteins contained in the various products have received much less attention and no systematic investigations have been done for comparable immunologic evaluation. However sera obtained at intervals from normal infants fed cow milk from birth in different regimens were analyzed for antibodies to five major milk proteins isolate. RESULTS Surprisingly Antibody levels increased slowly during the first 4 months, reaching a peak about 6 months of age. In infants fed cow milk products from birth to 112 days of age and then given various cow milk products the following antibody responses were observed: The level of serum antibodies attained was […]

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