Posts Tagged ‘cow care india’

Cow-The Miraculous Doctor And Practical Methods Of Cow Protection

Cow-The Miraculous Doctor And Practical Methods Of Cow Protection (Chamitkaric Chikitsak) There is no need to establish the medicinal properties of Panchgavya today. Panchgavya is a term used to describe five major substances, obtained from cow, which include cow’s urine, milk, ghee, curd and dung. All the five products possess medicinal properties against many disorders and are used for the medicinal purpose singly or in combination with some other herbs. This kind of treatment is called Panchgavya therapy or cowpathy. The ancient ayurvedic literature (Vir Charak Samhita, Sushrut, Gad Nigrah) suggests a number of pharmacological applications of the substances obtained from Panchgavya. These substances are abundantly used in Ayurveda for treatment of several disorders such as leucoderma, hyperlipidemia, arthritis, renal disorders, dietary disorders, gastrointestinal track disorders, acidity, asthma etc. These remedies seem to be potent anticancer and anti HIV agents. Recently the cow urine has been granted U.S. Patents (No. […]

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