Posts Tagged ‘a2 mink’

Panchagavya Camp Successfully Completed – an another step towards Cow Protection Movement

Completed Panchagavya Academy Batch#1 [Camp 1] The first camp of first batch of PanchGavya Academy was successfully completed on july 7th , 2015 at 7.00 PM (@Hingolgadh – Jasdan) . The academy is overjoyed to entertain students from various states and background. The over whelming response in such a huge number was least expected. The camp was conducted in the direct vigilance of King of Jasdan Shri SatyajitKumar S. Khachar, who attended the classes with the students and guided them and helped them to understand the basics of Go Raksha, Go-shala maintain ace and self reliant features of go-shala with his wide vision and experience. This venture was conceived with the sole aim of cow protection and conservation in Saurashtra region. The Academy is proud to announce that it was attended by many enthusiastic Go-Palaks( Cow herders) business men, farmers, PhD Doctors, scholars and medical practitioners and experts. The subject matter of […]

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